We are planning a social outing for Wednesday afternoon, which would consist of nine-pin bowling ("kegeln"), a dinner and a possibility to go for a beer after. The kegeln will be funded by the BMS, but not the food. A registration is necessary, and is done through the main registration form.
We will go all together from TU Berlin to the event location.
Location: Tante Lisbeth, Muskauer Straße 49, 10997 Berlin
Time: Wednesday, 19.2., 16:00 - open end
For more information about the schedule check out the schedule page.
As is BMS tradition, we will be hosting a Wine & Cheese evening after the conference events on Thursday. It will be a relaxed environment where the conference participants can socialize and try a variety of wines and cheeses selected by the event organizers. There will also be non-alcoholic drink options as well as various other snacks including some vegan options.
The Wine and Cheese will take place at the lecture hall H1035 in the Main Building of TU Berlin. The event is expected to start at 17:30. More information about its location can be found on the venue page. More information about the schedule can be found on the schedule page.
Every conference participant is invited to join the Wine and Cheese! However, we ask you to indicate your plan to attend by registering.
On Friday the 21st, 14:00-16:00, after the official end of the conference, a Career Event will take place with a panel discussion featuring two academics and three BMS alumni who currently work in industry, sharing their experiences in the world of work both within and outside academia. Further details about the event are to follow.