
These are the updates regarding the 7th BMS Student Conference:
15/11/2019. The first video for the student conference is available here. All remaining videos have been made public or deleted since then (following the speakers' permission).
22/02/2019. The conference was successful.
15/02/2019. The Conference booklet is available.
09/02/2019. The conference schedule is available.
08/02/2019. The description of the talks and invited speakers is available.
01/02/2019. Detailed information about Wednesday's social event is available. Please let us know if you would like to attend!
20/01/2019. Our conference poster is available here.
18/01/2019. Registration for the conference has opened. Please register if you plan to attend even a part of the conference!
14/12/2018. The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to the 21st of December.
17/11/2018. The deadline for submitting an abstract for Berlin students is on the 14th of December.