These are the updates regarding the 6th BMS Student Conference up to now:
23/09/2018. Videos and pictures added to the webpage.
20/02/2018. Due to unexpected news, the talks of Stephen Lynch and András Tóbiás have been interchanged.
17/02/2018. The Conference booklet is available.
16/02/2018. The schedule of the conference is available.
14/02/2018. The complete list of registered participants is available.
29/01/2018. The description of the talks and invited speakers is available.
22/01/2018. The deadline for registering is on the 14th of February of 2018 at 12:00 (Berlin time). For registering, please fill this form.
18/12/2017. The deadline for submitting an abstract for Berlin students has been extended to the 29th of January.
30/10/2017. The deadline for submitting an abstract for Berlin students is on the 15th of December.