6th BMS Student Conference

February 21st - 23rd, 2018

The 6th BMS Student Conference will take place, directly after the BMS Days, from the 21st to the 23rd of February of 2018 in Berlin. In this conference, several BMS students will present part of their mathematical research or thoughts on a variety of topics. Additionally, the conference will count with two invited speakers, a group activity and a social event of Wine and Cheese. Every person in Berlin with an interest in mathematics is welcome to register for free and attend the conference.


• Conference was successful.
• Videos of the talks can be seen in this Vimeo collection.


The talks of the conference will take place at the Größer Hörsaal in the Institut für Informatik of the Freie Universität Berlin, at Takustr. 9 , and the Wine and Cheese event at the BMS Lounge at Technische Universität Berlin, at Str. des 17. Juni 136.


Conference Poster (small)


Conference Booklet (small)


Group picture


The BMS Student Conference is funded by the Berlin Mathematical School and is organized by the 2017 BMS Student Representatives Héctor Andrade Loarca, Qiao Luo, Brent Moran, Yuya Tokuta and Josué Tonelli-Cueto.